Jesus said to them again, “Peace to you! As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.” John 20:19-20 HCSB
When I worked for Lifeway Christian Resources, as part of my job I was frequently assigned to go to Ridgecrest Baptist Conference Center in North Carolina to lead a Sunday School Leadership conference. At other times I was sent to a state convention or to the Southern Baptist Convention to assemble a display and distribute information about resources available from Lifeway.
Jesus sent His disciples into the world, just as the Father had sent Him into the world. He passed on the responsibility of spreading the Good News of salvation around the world to His disciples. Jesus first identified Himself with God the Father. He then sent His disciples into the world to tell others about the love, mercy, and forgiveness that is available to those who believe in Him. It is important that we share the Good News of salvation with those around us.
Challenge: Just as Jesus sent His disciples, He is sending you into the world to be a witness for Him. Remember that your power and authority comes from God the Father. Jesus has set the example in Word and deed on how to accomplish the task of sharing the Gospel message.