Listen, my son, and be wise; keep your mind on the right course. Proverbs 23:19 HCSB
Each year the Derby Marathon and Mini-Marathon is run in Louisville, Kentucky. Everyone starts at the same place and finishes at the same place, but there is a point on the course where the marathon runners go one direction and those running the mini-marathon go a different direction. There was one couple that ran together to that point but then kissed and the husband headed in the direction for the marathon runners and his wife went the other way. It was important that they stay on the right course.
Solomon warns that one must be wise and keep his mind on the right course. Just imagine if some of the runners had not been keeping their minds on what they were doing and headed down the wrong course for the race. The marathon runners would not have completed the right course and the mini-marathon runners more than likely would never have finished. There are many areas in life in which we can be distracted and take the wrong course. If we are going to stay on the right course, we must daily seek God’s will and direction in every decision. Satan will always try to steer us in the wrong direction.
Challenge: Do not allow Satan to deceive you and lead you down the wrong path. Daily spend time in God’s Word and in prayer seeking His plan and direction for your life.