Honored to Be Dishonored

After they called in the apostles and had them flogged, they ordered them not to speak in the name of Jesus and released them. Then they went out from the presence of the Sanhedrin, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to be dishonored on behalf of the Name. Every day in the temple complex, and in various homes, they continued teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Messiah. Acts 5:40-42 HCSB

Have you ever thought of persecution and a beating as a blessing? Peter and the apostles praised God that He counted them worthy to be treated like their Lord, Jesus Christ. Jesus was not only beaten but was killed. Just like Peter and the apostles, we should be willing to suffer on behalf of Jesus. We may not be beaten but we may be mocked, slandered, and ridiculed for our faith.

Even though Peter and the apostles had been instructed to stop speaking about Jesus, every day they went to the temple complex and homes proclaiming the good news that Jesus was the Messiah who could provide forgiveness of sin and eternal life to those who believed in Him. They were not afraid of what might happen to them because they knew they were doing what God had called them to do.

Challenge: Count it all joy when you are persecuted for your beliefs. God has counted you worthy of suffering dishonor for the Name of Jesus Christ.

Be Careful What You Do

When they heard this, they were enraged and wanted to kill them. A Pharisee named Gamaliel, a teacher of the law who was respected by all the people, stood up in the Sanhedrin and ordered the men to be taken outside for a little while. He said to them, “Men of Israel, be careful about what you’re going to do to these men…” Acts 5:33-35 HCSB

The Pharisees were the major party in the Jewish high council. They were the strict keepers of the law of Moses. They had added hundreds more rules to the Ten commandments as a way of interpreting the Ten commandments. Their concern was with outward purity rather than making sure their hearts were right with God.

Gamaliel was a respected leader in the community. Certainly he did not support the teaching of Peter and the apostles, but he become an unexpected ally for the apostles that day. His desire was not to save the lives of apostles but rather to keep peace and prevent a riot that could bring the attention of the Roman government. The apostles were very popular among the people and killing them may have initiated a riot. Ironically Paul, one of the greatest apostles, was a student of Gamaliel.

Challenge: Just like the people had to be careful what they did with Peter and the Apostles, we must be careful what we do with people who boldly proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We must live our lives in a way that would be pleasing to and bring honor to God.

Boldly Proclaim the Good News

“The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom you had murdered by hanging Him on a tree. God exalted this man to His right hand as ruler and Savior, to grant repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins. We are witnesses of these things, and so is the Holy Spirit whom God has given to those who obey Him.” Acts 5:30-32 HCSB

As a teenager I can remember when a man by the name of Arthur Blessitt came to Louisville, Kentucky. He was on a mission to carry a cross around the world and proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ. He would stop in certain towns to preach the Gospel message. In addition to preaching in churches, he would go into bars and strip clubs to witness to the people there. He would say, “We must go to where the people are if we are going to be able to share Jesus Christ with them instead of expecting them to come to church.” He was bold in his witness and was not afraid to take a stand for Christ.

Knowing that the Jewish leaders had the power to put them back in prison or to kill them, Peter and the apostles did not back down but boldly proclaimed the Good News of Jesus Christ. They accused the Jewish high council of murdering Jesus and then said that Jesus had been exalted by God and He was the Savior that could grant repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins.

Challenge: Pray that God will help you to be as bold as Peter and the disciples as you take a stand for Jesus Christ. If interested in knowing more about Arthur Blessitt, there are several videos on YouTube that detail his life and ministry.

Obeying God Instead of Men

“Didn’t we strictly order you not to teach in this name? And look, you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching and are determined to bring this man’s blood on us.” But Peter and the apostles replied, “We must obey God rather than men.” Acts 5:28-29 HCSB

I firmly believe that a person should obey police and others who are in authority as long as what is being asked of the person is not illegal, immoral, or against what God tells us to do in His Word. Respect for authority seems to be a problem in today’s world. Children frequently disobey their parents and teachers, people no longer obey the police, and even soldiers are known to disobey a direct order from those in charge. The world’s order is dependent upon people respecting each other and obeying those in positions of authority.

The religious leaders instructed Peter and the apostles to stop teaching about Jesus, but they had a higher authority than the religious leaders – God. It is more important to obey God than to obey men. It is inevitable that Christians will face conflict with others if they are going to live their lives for God and take a stand for what it right (see John 15:18). There will be situations when a person cannot obey both God and men.

Challenge: Are you obeying God’s Word and His instructions? You must trust His Word and do what it says. Are you ready to be ridiculed and rejected because of your beliefs? Be encouraged to know that God blesses those who are hated, excluded, and mocked because of His name (see Luke 6:22).

Returning to the Scene of the Crime

Someone came and reported to them, “Look! The men you put in jail are standing in the temple complex and teaching the people.” Acts 5:25 HCSB

My wife and I enjoy watching mysteries and we both try to be the first one to figure out which person is guilty of the crime. There was a show we watched recently in which the detective tricked the criminal into returning the crime scene to find something he thought would implement her in the crime. Returning to the scene of the crime is not usually a very good idea.

Peter and John had been arrested for teaching in the temple complex. An angel of the Lord had released them from prison and instructed them to return to the temple complex and continue teaching the Good News of Jesus Christ. Most of us would have been afraid to return because of the risk of being arrested and thrown into prison again, but Peter and John boldly returned to the temple complex and began teaching the people just as they had previously, knowing that they risked being arrested again. They were determined to do what the angel had instructed them to do and to preach the gospel.

Challenge: Would it not be wonderful if all believers were as bold as Peter and John about proclaiming the saving message of Jesus Christ? Do not be afraid to take a stand for Christ at school, at home, and in your work place. Be determined and don’t let any obstacles keep you from doing what you know God has called you to do.


Then Peter said to her, “Why did you agree to test the Spirit of the Lord? Look! The feet of those who have buried your husband are at the door, and they will carry you out!” Instantly she dropped dead at his feet. When the young men came in, they found her dead, carried her out, and buried her beside her husband. Then great fear came on the whole church and on all who heard these things. Acts 5:9-11 HCSB

Once I was running late to get to the airport in Amarillo, Texas. I had to catch a flight to San Antonio where I was to teach conferences. If I missed my flight I would not get there in time. I am sorry to say, but I was driving faster than I should when I noticed blue lights flashing in my rearview mirror. I pulled over and willingly accepted the speeding ticket. I knew I had exceeded the posted limit and I was being held accountable for my unwise actions.

Peter confronted Sapphira and she lied just like her husband, Ananias. Her consequences were similar to her husband’s. She dropped dead and was buried beside her husband. There are consequences for sin, some more severe than others. Some consequences are experienced here on earth, but the ultimate consequence is eternal separation from God. We will all be held accountable for our actions. It is only through Jesus Christ that we have forgiveness of our sins. Gratefully as believers we will not suffer the ultimate consequence of our sins.

Challenge: Thank God that you are a believer and the penalty for your sin has already been paid when Jesus died on the cross. Remember that even though your sins may be forgiven, there may still be consequences. The Israelites wandered in the wilderness for 40 years as a consequence for their lack of faith and trust in God to do what He said He would do.


There was an interval of about three hours; then his wife came in, not knowing what had happened. “Tell me,” Peter asked her, “did you sell the field for this price?” “Yes,” she said, “for that price.” Acts 5:7-8 HCSB

All of us have experienced someone lying to us, and I am sure all of us have told a lie at some time in our lives. As a minister I have interacted with many who come to the church asking for benevolence help. I have heard numerous accounts detailing the misfortune people are experiencing, and I have always tried to help whenever possible even when I suspected someone was lying about his circumstances just to get help. I have tried to provide food and pay delinquent bills rather than providing money. I was told a story of a man who was standing on the side of the road with a sign that said, “Will work for money.” When a gentleman stopped and offered him a job the man told him, “I can make more money standing on this corner than going to work for you at $10 per hour.” Some people will lie for evil gain at the expense of compassionate people.

Ananias and Sapphira had agreed with each other to lie to the apostles and the church about the price they received for the sale of their property. They wanted to appear to be as generous as Barnabas and receive similar recognition and praise from other people. They lied to the people, but more importantly they lied to God. God always knows the truth and will always punish sin.

Challenge: Lying is a problem in our culture. Businessmen lie. Politicians lie. Companies lie about their products. Advertisements are deceptive. The Bible says that the truth will set you free (John 8:32). Seek to be truthful in all of your dealings and relationships.

Seriousness of Sin

Then Peter said, “Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit and keep back part of the proceeds from the field? Wasn’t it yours while you possessed it? And after it was sold, wasn’t it at your disposal: Why is it that you planned this thing in your heart? You have not lied to men but to God!” When he heard these words, Ananias dropped dead, and a great fear came on all who heard. Acts 5:3-5

Imagine that you are a straight “A” student in school and that there is another student that struggles to get even a “C” and most of the time he is even below that level. Would it be fair for your teacher to come and say to you, “I feel sorry for your fellow student who cannot make good grades like you can, so I am going to give him some of your correct answers so he can make a “B.” I am sure you don’t mind making a “B” since you will be helping a fellow student. Your response might be, “No, I study hard for my grades and I deserve an “A” and it is not fair to give a student who does not study some of my answers so he can make a better grade. Giving the other student something he does not deserve is not fair. He deserves the lower grade.”

God is a Holy God. There is nothing but goodness and love in God. He has no evil thoughts. God is perfect in all ways and cannot allow sin or ungodliness in His presence. God is a just God and must punish sin. He is going to give us what we deserve. The penalty for sin is death and separation from God. It is only through Jesus Christ that we can be forgiven and made holy so we can come into the presence of God. We deserve death and hell, but as believers we are given eternal life in heaven. The death of Ananias for lying to God may seem a bit extreme as a punishment, but God wanted the people of Israel to understand the seriousness of sin and that sin in the church would destroy the church.

Challenge: Stand up to the temptations of Satan to do things that are not pleasing to God. When you do sin, ask for forgiveness and strive harder to live the life that would bring honor to God. Thank Him that He does not give you what you deserve but that He offers you grace instead.

Being Deceptive

But a man named Ananias, with his wife Sapphira, sold a piece of property. However, he kept back a part of the proceeds with his wife’s knowledge, and brought a portion of it and laid it at the apostles’ feet. Acts 5:1-2 HCSB

I want to believe salespeople when they say the product they are selling really does what they say it can do. I want to believe that the people with whom I do business are telling the truth. I want to believe my friends when they tell me what they did. But sometimes I suspect that some of the people with whom I interact on a daily basis are not being completely honest with me.

That was the problem with Ananias and his wife Sapphira. They had every right to keep a portion of the proceeds from the sale of their property, but they were deceptive and made it appear that they had given all of the proceeds. They wanted to appear to be as generous as Barnabas. This was a sin against God and the church.

Challenge: When have you seen other people being deceptive? Have you been deceptive in some way? Do you appear to be someone that you really are not? God hates dishonesty and deception. Pray that God will use the Holy Spirit to convict you and help you to present yourself honestly to those you encounter each day.

Do You Need Some Encouragement?

Joseph, a Levite and a Cypriot by birth, the one the apostles called Barnabas, which is translated Son of Encouragement, sold a field he owned, brought the money and laid it at the apostles’ feet. Acts 4:36-37 HCSB

There was a man in a church that I served as Minister of Education and Administration that I looked forward to seeing each Sunday. Jim had the gift of encouragement. He always had a positive and uplifting word for me. I felt better about myself and what I was doing because of his positive words.

Barnabas was a respected leader in the early church. Names in the first century were reflective of one’s nature or character. The name of Barnabas meant “Son of Encouragement”. Evidently, he was a person much like my friend who consistently encouraged and built up other people. Barnabas was also a very generous person as indicated by his selling a field and bringing the money to the apostles to be used to meet the needs of other believers.

Challenge: Would others consider you to be an encourager? Look for ways to encourage your friends, family members, relatives, work associates, and neighbors. Would God consider you to be a generous person? Consider what God is asking you to give or do for His work and then trust Him to provide what is needed. Please pray for my friend, Jim, who is currently recovering from major heart surgery.