Finding Rest

So I swore in My anger, “They will not enter My rest.” Hebrews 3:11 HCSB

My son-in-law purchased a hammock for their new deck. It was so restful to lie in the hammock and just swing back and forth. Listening to the birds sing and feeling the breeze blow across my face was very relaxing. We all need rest and desire to experience true refreshment and peace.

We find God’s rest described differently in several locations in Scripture. On the seventh day God rested from creating the world. The Sabbath day was established by God to be a day of rest. The Promised Land was to be a land flowing with milk and honey. It was to be a place of rest. When we accept Jesus as Lord, we find rest and peace with God. Jesus even said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28 HCSB). In the future we will find rest in our eternal home in heaven. God became angry because of the sins of the people and how they had hardened their hearts against Him and turned to their own ways. Because of their rebellion, God caused them to wander in the wilderness for 40 years and did not allow them to experience the rest found in the Promised Land.

Challenge: Do you feel tired and burdened by the tasks of each day? Do you find it difficult to really stop and rest? God wants you to find rest in Him. Trust Him to take care of you and show you His ways; therein you will find the perfect rest He has designed for you.

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