Jesus Can Handle It

When the wine ran out, Jesus’ mother told Him, “They don’t have any wine.” What has this concern of yours to do with Me, woman?” Jesus asked,. “My hour has not yet come.” “Do whatever He tells you.” His mother told the servants. John 2:3-5 HCSB

As the father of the bride for two daughters, I can relate to the importance of having everything prepared in advance and certainly of having enough food and refreshments at the wedding reception. It would be very embarrassing and humiliating not to have enough food and drinks for the wedding guests.

Jesus’ mother turned to Him and directed Him to take care of the problem of not having any wine. It is assumed that Joseph, Jesus’ father, had already died and it would have been natural for a mother to turn to the oldest son as the leader. It is not sure if she was asking Him to perform a miracle of producing some wine or if she was just expecting Him to go get some wine so the party could continue and the host would not be embarrassed. Either way it is obvious that she expected and trusted Jesus to take care of the problem.

Challenge: Take your problems to Jesus. He can handle anything you bring to Him. He may not perform a miracle to solve your problem like He did in Cana, but He does understand what you are going through and He will walk with you through any difficulty you may face.

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