Do You Want to Get Well?

One man was there who had been sick for 38 years. When Jesus saw him lying there and knew he had already been there a long time, He said to him, “Do you want to get well?” John 5:5-6 HCSB

Throughout my years in ministry I have made numerous hospital visits. Many whom I have visited have been very sick and desired to be healed. People will often seek a second opinion or try innovative medical procedures in an attempt to find a cure to be healed.

The man in today’s Scriptural account had been sick for 38 years. We do not know what medical condition he had, but we do know that he had been at the pool of Bethesda for a long time seeking an opportunity to receive healing. “Do you want to get well?” seems like an unusual question from Jesus. It seems obvious that the man wanted to be healed. Surely there were others there by the pool that needed healing, but Jesus zeroed in on one man and asked if he wanted to be healed. Many times we need to meet a person’s physical need before we can minister to his spiritual need. It is often difficult for someone to focus on the Gospel message when he is in physical pain or suffering.

Challenge: Jesus asks you the same question today, “Do you want to get well?” Jesus offers everyone the opportunity to be healed spiritually. Accept His offer and look to the Great Physician for healing. Are there people in your church or community who have physical needs? Look for ways to meet both the spiritual and physical needs of those around you.

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