Discover Real Peace

Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Your heart must not be troubled or fearful. John 14:27 HCSB

Conditions in our world bring stress, strain, conflict, doubt, fear, and challenges. I often long for a peaceful day without the difficulties that life brings. My mind wanders and I picture myself on the bank of a serene, mirrored lake with mountains and colorful trees reflected in its still water or on a beautifully manicured golf course surrounded by God’s beautiful creation. These seem like such peaceful settings, but they are but momentary; suddenly the real world returns. We all long for peace.

Jesus Christ is the only source of true peace. The New Living Bible translates this verse, “I am leaving with you a gift – peace of mind and heart.” Through Christ we can experience peace of mind and heart. Worldly peace is temporary, but Christ’s peace is never-ending and is ever-present. The Holy Spirit gives us the peace of Christ. Isaiah 9:6 proclaims that Jesus is the “Prince of Peace” and Zechariah 9:10 states that Christ will proclaim peace to the nations.

Challenge: Read Philippians 4:6-7 for a better understanding of the perfect peace that comes from Jesus Christ. Thank God for the peace you can experience through Jesus. Take some time to relax and experience the real peace of Jesus Christ today.

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