Redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb

For I know that you were redeemed from your empty way of life inherited from the fathers, not with perishable things like silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without defect or blemish. 1 Peter 1:18-19 HCSB

A slave was “redeemed” when someone paid money to buy his or her freedom. God has “redeemed” all believers from the slavery of sin. This redemption was paid with the blood of Jesus Christ and not with gold or silver.

Peter reminds us that Christ is like the lamb without any defect or blemish that was used as a sacrifice for the Passover Feast to celebrate Israel’s escape from Egyptian bondage (see Exodus 13:1-10; Leviticus 22:19-25). Isaiah mentions the Suffering Servant as the sacrificial lamb in Isaiah 53 and John declares Jesus as the perfect lamb of God (John 1:29). Jesus came to this world and lived a perfect life without sinning even though He was tempted as we are. Because He is without sin, He can be our perfect sacrifice to pay the price for our sins.

Challenge: Thank God for sending His Son Jesus Christ into this world to shed His blood on the cross so He could be your perfect sacrifice and make it possible for your sins to be forgiven. Thank God for redeeming you from your sins and giving you abundant life through Jesus Christ (see John 10:10). Listen to the song “Redeemed” on YouTube at

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