In Desperate Need

They came to Jericho. And as He was leaving Jericho with His disciples and a large crowd, and Bartimaeus (the son of Timaeus), a blind beggar, was sitting by the road. When he heard that it was Jesus the Nazarene, he began to cry out, “Son of David, Jesus, Have mercy on me!” Mark10:46-47 HCSB

I have told this story before but it is worth repeating. When my family was visiting New York City we were walking down the sidewalk where beggars were sitting leaned up against the buildings asking for money. I was walking on by just hoping I could get my family past the beggars to a safe place. When I turned around to check on my children, my oldest daughter, Bethany, was stopping to put change in each cup or box as she passed by. I will never forget that sight and the conviction her actions brought to me. She was setting the example for me when I should have been setting the example for her. Even today, Bethany still has such a compassionate heart for those in need. She is always giving sacrificially and willing to help others. I am thankful God has planted that spirit within her that has helped me to become more compassionate.

Beggars were a common sight in most towns in Jesus' time. Begging was the only way a person with a disability could make a living since most jobs required some type of physical labor. A person who was blind was considered to be cursed by God, but Jesus refuted that idea in John 9:2. Even though God's laws required that people were to care for the needy (see Leviticus 25:35-38), most people saw the beggars as nuisances. Bartimaeus was in desperate need and he knew that Jesus could help him, so he cried out for Jesus to have mercy on him.

Challenge: You may not be blind or need to beg, but you may be in desperate need of Jesus, the only One who can heal a broken spirit, a broken relationship, and give you hope for the future. Cry out to Jesus and turn your problems over to Him. He will hear your cry and answer.

Read The Bible Through In Two Years: Genesis 14:1-24; Matthew 9:1-17

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