Close Friends

Jonathan made a covenant with David because he loved him as much as he loved himself. 1 Samuel 18:3 HCSB

Many times in the Bible we find that the Israelite people made a covenant with God. A covenant can be defined as a promise or a commitment to do something. When I married my wife I made a vow or a covenant to love her, to protect her, and to be faithful to her in sickness and health, in poverty and in wealth. In marriage one should seek what is best for the other person rather than what is best for himself. It seems that in today’s world there is very little commitment in marriage, much less in a friendship.

Jonathan and David were close friends and committed to each other. This Scripture records that Jonathan loved David as much as he loved himself. Their friendship was based on a commitment to God and to each other. This is an example of what Jesus commanded when He said, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 22:39) Christ also said, “No one has greater love than this, that someone would lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15:13) Only Christ is capable of perfect love and friendship. He laid His life down for all of us so we could have forgiveness of sin and gain eternal life.

Challenge: Just like marriage, a friendship takes commitment, time, and effort. What are you doing to develop a deeper friendship with your closest friend? Invest in your friendship by showing kindness, being available, forgiving, and listening. Thank God for your friends and commit to pray for them regularly.

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