Remember the Past

The people replied, “We will certainly not abandon the Lord to worship other gods! For the Lord our God brought us and our fathers out of the land of Egypt, out of the place of slavery, and performed these great signs before our eyes. Joshua 24:16-17 HCSB

One of the gifts my wife and I received for Christmas was a digital frame with over 1,000 pictures on the thumb drive. It is a joy to sit and watch the pictures change every five seconds. There are pictures of all of our grandchildren and a few of our children that cover a period of time over the last four years, from when our first grandchild was born to the present. As I watch the pictures change, I often smile or laugh because the picture brings back a great memory, a time enjoyed with our children and grandchildren.

The people responded to Joshua's challenge to serve God alone by saying they would not abandon the Lord to worship other gods. They remembered the past and how God had delivered their fathers out of the land of Egypt. They also remembered the many miracles and signs that the Lord had done as a way of protecting them. These memories prompted and motivated them to make the commitment that they would not abandon the Lord.

Challenge: Count your blessings. Make a list of the many ways God has blessed you. Thank Him for all He has done for you. Keep a list of your prayer requests and then record when and how God answers those prayers. It is good to look back and remember how God has worked in your life. Sometimes even the bad times become good times when you see how God accomplished His will as you walked through the valleys of life.

Read The Bible Through In Two Years: Genesis 5:1 – 6:22; Matthew 5:1-20

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